Reproductions Frere, Charles Theodore

Charles Theodore Frere

1814 - 1888

France, Orientalist Painter

Charles Theodore Frere Biography

Frere wasa French painter specialized in Orientalism, born on 21 June 1814. Frere was the brother of Pierre Édouard Frère [10 Jan 1819 – 20 May 1886]. — {Ce dernier aurait dû devenir moine: il aurait été le Frère Frère frère de Frère ...}
— Frère began his career painting the French countryside, but during a stay in Algeria in 1837 Frere was attracted to the Islamic world and from that time on Frere exhibited paintings only oriental scenes and landscapes, and views of Eastern cities and interiors. In 1861 Frere made his final visit to the eastern Mediterranean, traveling in the party of the Empress Eugénie [05 May 1826 – 11 Jul 1920].