Reproductions Janmot, Anne- Francois- Louis

Anne- Francois- Louis Janmot

1814 - 1892

Painter, Poet, France, Pre- Raphaelite

Anne- Francois- Louis Janmot Biography

  Janmot was a French painter and poet. Janmot belonged to the Lyon school of painting, with idealistic and mystical tendencies similar to those of the Nazarenes and the Pre-Raphaelites. His Christian beliefs, which are very apparent in Janmot paintings. In 1833, Janmot became a student of Victor Orsel at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. Although his techniques reflect his studies with Ingres, Janmot closely allied himself with Eugène Delacroix, whose enthusiasm for the literature of Dante and Shakespeare Janmot shared.

  Janmot’s style combined the precision of Ingres with the meditative devotion of his first teacher, Orsel. His predilection for heraldic composition paintings were based on symmetry and repetition.

  The Janmot postcards were made long after his death. Most of the cards we see do not credit Janmot as the artist but rather the museum, which was common practice in the early 1900’s.