Edmund Blair Leighton PAINTING DETAILS
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Edmund Blair Leighton
Tristan and Isolde - 1902
Blair Leighton depicts the lovers on a marvelous marble garden - seat .
Isolde of Ireland, also known as Isolt, Isold, Iseult, or Ysolde, was the daughter of Angwish, King of Ireland. Tristan, whose name means "sorrow", given to him because of the loss of his mother at his birth, was a noble knight and was escorting Isolde back to Cornwall.
During the voyage, Isolde and Tristan drank the potion , which Isolde's mother gave to her handmaiden by accident and fell forever in love.
Isolde of Ireland, also known as Isolt, Isold, Iseult, or Ysolde, was the daughter of Angwish, King of Ireland. Tristan, whose name means "sorrow", given to him because of the loss of his mother at his birth, was a noble knight and was escorting Isolde back to Cornwall.
During the voyage, Isolde and Tristan drank the potion , which Isolde's mother gave to her handmaiden by accident and fell forever in love.