Landscape painting encompasses a wide spectrum of visions and styles. A diverse visual language is used to describe a landscape, ranging from realism to surrealism to abstraction. Urban Landscapes paintings provide a sense of place, be it rural, city, or purely psychological, identifiable or not. Sometimes landscapes are represented in satirical and cynical ways(Pieter the Elder Bruegel- Flemish Northern Renaissance Painter ) and sometimes in a manner close to being topographical (Canaletto- Italian Baroque Painter, Vermeer van Delft ). The Urban Landscapes make us witnesses of the Artists' time of living and places and thus bring us even more closely to their inner world, which is one of the Arts' most important missions.
Giovanni Antonio Canal Canaletto
Grand Canal: looking Nort-East from the Palazzo Corner-Spinelli, 1725
Giovanni Antonio Canal Canaletto
The Mouth of the Grand Canal looking West towards the Carita
Giovanni Antonio Canal Canaletto
Return of the Bucentoro to the Molo on Ascension Day, 1732
Giovanni Antonio Canal Canaletto
Westminster Abbey with the Procession of the Knights of the Bath, 1747
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